Issue Position: Family Values

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Religion

Our laws and family values are connected. We write laws to protect what we value. As the representative for District 37 I will sponsor and support legislation that protects our traditional family values and ensure that our laws reflect our beliefs.

I will protect our state from morally bankrupt federal requirements and regulations that act directly against our dearly held Christian moral values such as the recent Obama-led insurance debacle that directly opposes the sanctity of life.

I support the sanctity of life, traditional marriages between a man and a woman, the right to religious freedom, a parent's right to direct the religious training of their child, and the freedom to publicly express our beliefs.

I have had the privilege to travel to many other countries and I have seen the results and ravages of communism and socialism. We live in the greatest country on earth and one of the most important factors that set us apart is our family values. We must never let that go. I work to keep them in our laws.
